Release 24/1

Customers are the critical success factor for every company. The digital age we live in requires us to meet them at the touchpoints that are important to them. To accomplish this, a state-of-the-art, flexible solution is absolutely essential: First, to actively design customer processes, and second, to support them holistically with intelligence and data, even from external systems. With the BSI Customer Suite, you can achieve relationships with your customers that are sustainable, successful, and based on trust. Release 24/1 includes two new highlights, among other things: The BSI Companion, which accompanies users interactively throughout the entire suite, and the generative 360° view for an exact depiction of your customer – in real time and based on all customer data.


Discover the highlights

With the BSI Customer Suite, hyper-personalization, Artificial Intelligence, marketing automation, and multi-experience all become fixed elements of your daily work with customers.

Key features:

Online appointments: Customers can book appointments through the website on their own.
Fully automated creation of responses in the contact center with company-wide optimized prompts and context-based knowledge
Data protection by design: targeted and rule-based deletion of data
Strategies help you implement company-wide decisions with just a few clicks – individualized for each customer.
Full integration into your system landscape
Industry-specific, flexibly adaptable data model
Optimize your customer relationships with AI-powered customer engagement: BSI Engage connects all interactions along the customer journey, ensures process reliability, and promotes an in-depth understanding of your customers.
GDPR- and DSG*-compliant video calls (BAFIN-and FINMA-compliant; VAIT, BAIT)
MiFID II-compliant by recording all communication channels only after the explicit consent of all participants
Electronic signatures in accordance with eIDAS and ZertES (FES/QES)
Website visitors can use the “Online appointments” option to book available appointments themselves, which includes automatic allocation, resource planning, and process-controlled, fully automated pre- and post-processing.
Seamless integration into your existing system landscape
Intelligent screen sharing: Smooth video transmission and easily legible document text
When sharing screens, use the smart application filter to hide applications that are not meant to be shared and improve security.
Authenticating evidence with biometric signature data, audit logs, or qualified certificates
Can be fully integrated into the BSI Customer Suite or used as a stand-alone product
Find customers, win them over, and get to know them. With its trigger-based approach, BSI CX allows you to respond to relevant (life) events in real time and create personalized customer journeys.
With the strategies feature, make company-wide decisions in real time for individual customers to establish contact or service strategies, with consistent and customer-oriented adviser allocation.
Revised user guidance in the storyboard lets you respond more flexibly to your customers’ needs.
More story control options with the new search function and enhanced folder handling
Accessibility: Maintain landing pages and websites in a way that allows screen readers to interpret and read them aloud.
Data protection by design: Targeted and rule-based deletion of data
Website: We have added new options such as two-factor authentication for customer portals. In addition, the handling of large websites has been enhanced with a smart search function.
Step library: Configure and use custom steps – no programming required.
Discover many new steps, including steps for connecting to the automation platform, “Wait and see” criteria for real-time stories, and “inSign” steps to obtain legally compliant digital signatures.
With BSI CRM, you can spend more time on true customer proximity thanks to automated routine tasks and a wide range of integrated aids that make your customer engagement activities so much easier.
The generative 360° view: Tiles generated with AI and calculated in real time (including generative depictions of a customer) give your salespeople a faster overview of customer circumstances in their daily routine.
Updates to the process configuration, in particular for improved dark processing, supported by BSI AI
Improved online appointment scheduling and integration of e-signature and video calling tools
Added platform flexibilization through low code/no code
New: Process validation for automated quality testing of your processes
Extensive options for configuring your BSI Customer Suite when it comes to menus, entity dossiers, and application texts so you can customize them to your customers’ needs
Enhanced user ergonomics through object categorization and updated calendar view
Process management revision: Intuitive management with Flow Designer
Extensive process management analytics
Discover patterns and connections in your data, derive decisions from them, and initiate the necessary actions. With BSI Insight, you get detailed analytics and effective visualizations.
Countless new charts: Story, timeline, number, scatter, note, polar, and stack (interactive) charts
Option to create charts with specific data
Data partitions: With this function, users only see the data they have permission to view. This might, for example, entail entire data pools or individual organizational units.
Use groupings (e.g., by target groups or age segments) directly in charts
Updated user interface for chart options to ensure faster access
An enhanced analytics engine allows you to get results even faster and in parallel.
Get the maximum added value from your data. With BSI AI, you gain powerful machine learning workflows for customer clustering and marketing automation – in omnichannel customer service and today’s sales environment, and for marketing automation.
The BSI Companion: This new assistant is on hand in the correspondence step to summarize and translate customer inquiries and compose suggested responses.
Fully automated creation of responses in the contact center with company-wide optimized prompts and context-based knowledge
Maintain libraries of instructions (prompts) for generative AI. This provides flexibility when you want to switch out language models and facilitates the creation of uniform communication throughout the company.
Python: Execute Large Language Models and other logic programmable in Python with a single click, directly in BSI AI.
ChatGPT cortex facilitates API calls to the OpenAI language model.
The monitoring view presents all important information about the configured ML engines at a glance.
Anonymize and/or pseudonymize free-form text to ensure a high degree of data protection in the AI environment.
For the first time, BSI AI now provides Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) capabilities.
BSI AI now includes transparent, traceable access to all data in the BSI data model. This makes context-based intelligence very easy to implement – while at the same time upholding critical data protection and customer rights.
Standard brains you can use in customer projects without any changes, for example, to check the integrity of e-mail addresses or to summarize texts
With BSI CDP, you gain a holistic view of your customers, dismantle data silos, and ensure your data’s quality and GDPR-compliant protection.
With the new external reference feature, you can save more than one identification feature per customer, such as the ID from an ERP system or the customer number.
“Events” – a new entity: Allows even inconsequential customer contacts, such as website interactions, to be stored securely and even as encrypted data
Enhanced adaptability to the data model: With new and highly granular data formats facilitating an even better adaptation of the industry-specific BSI data model to your customers’ DNA
New: Implement entire entities solely by configuring them.
Addition of AI-generated attributes to the data model: In real time, cached, or at a fixed periodicity
The modularization through lambdas allows you, by way of configuration, to flexibly use and integrate functionality within and outside of the BSI Customer Suite.
Data model queries can now relate data, such as regional averages vs. a specific customer’s.
With BSI EIP, you get high-performance low-code interfaces and default connectors to access your entire ecosystem and to configure, monitor, and analyze your data traffic.
Collections as generic key-value stores where you can store mappings or other lightweight data, which are maintained in a structured data lake, memory-optimized and at high performance, for example, for later processing or use in BSI AI
With the new standard interface for identity management, user management can use their central, company-wide system and adapt this out-of-the-box integration very easily and by way of configuration to specific needs.
The new 360° interface view provides a very detailed overview and deep dive, for example, to allow you to detect anomalies in processing time.
Ready-to-use processors facilitate the use of low code or TypeScript.
The revised debugging and logging support helps identify errors faster, and test interfaces and view and create information more efficiently.

Next Best Action: BSI.

The next best action: Network your goals with BSI.

Zeno Hug, Creator of Customer Delight

+41 58 255 99 59

Additional information*

  • BAFIN: Federal Financial Supervisory Authority [Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht]
  • VAIT: Insurance regulation-related IT requirements [Versicherungsaufsichtliche Anforderungen an die IT]
  • BAIT: Bank regulation-related IT requirements [Bankaufsichtliche Anforderungen an die IT]
  • MiFID II: Markets in Financial Instruments Directive [Richtlinie 2014/65/EU des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 15. Mai 2014 über Märkte für Finanzinstrumente sowie zur Änderung der Richtlinien 2002/92/EG und 2011/61/EU]
  • elDAS: Electronic Identification, Authentication and Trust Services
  • AES/QES: Advanced electronic signature/Qualified electronic signature

BSI Customer Suite

Provide a truly compelling customer experience with seven products – all in one solution.
