SALES AUTOMATION More conversions with BSI
Place the best tool in the hands of your sales team and help them generate more sales. BSI automatically processes all customer data and qualifies your leads in real time. This enables you to connect your best sales staff with the best leads and boost your conversion rate.

Monitoring & Triggers Surprise your customers
Constant lead tracking in BSI shows your staff what interests your customers the most. BSI stores this information and automatically identifies the next best action. This means you can offer first-class, personalized sales advice, including automatically generated offers, if you wish.
Better Data Quality Never lose oversight
BSI recognizes that person visiting your website is the same person who previously signed up for your newsletter on a tablet. BSI aggregates this data and prepares the sales advisor for the next interaction with the customer. This places the optimal strategy in your hands to handle each individual lead.
Save Costs Sales & marketing unified
The leads generated in marketing are scored in real time by BSI, automatically allocated to the right sales channels and processed with the best possible actions. This saves valuable resources, leads to more sales and increases the satisfaction and efficiency of your staff.
Sales automation: A practical example
No-reply e-mails are a no-go
You know the situation: you send a completed contact form and immediately receive a no-reply confirmation e-mail back. You now know that your enquiry was sent successfully, yet this automatically generated reply does not feel at all personal.
With sales automation, BSI offers an effective alternative for sending your customers a personalized answer without increasing efforts or costs. The best thing about it is that customers can reply to automated confirmations. This can be the beginning of personalized processes and can turn into an authentic customer dialogue. Give your customers the feeling that they truly are appreciated and are more than just a customer number in the system, and still work with automatically generated messages.
In combination with lead scoring, you will be able to recognize when this customer is about to make a purchase decision. That is when BSI advises you with the right next best action, such as setting up a personal appointment, which will further significantly boost your chances of completing the sale. From enquiry to revenue – with no detours.
Related Capabilities
BSI knows your business
Whether sales, marketing or service: you can put our two million code lines and promising solutions together with equal ease – through uncompromising technology, a highly flexible data model and a captivating user experience.
Set up trigger-based, highly personalized customer journeys within 15 minutes with BSI. They help you provide an unforgettable experience and maximize your business success.
BSI offers a central, virtual advisor workstation with access to all relevant customer information. This improves the chances of a successful business conclusion.
BSI’s guided processes enable more efficient handling of customer issues. This saves you time and money in the long term, and makes your customers happy.
BSI provides you with powerful analytics, clearly arranged reporting dashboards and the possibility of data-based challenges to your decisions. BSI is your direct access to business intelligence.
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