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Sales Recruitment Management (SRM) Get smarter about growing your business
We understand how difficult it is to find the right sales employees. Sales Recruiting Management (SRM) from BSI will help you attract suitable candidates for the agency profession. It is a powerful tool for your business’s targeted growth, ensuring that no agency talent will elude you.

Status quo How to attract top talent to your business
Initiatives such as the Jungmakler Award (Young Broker Award) at the DKM Expo, the “Become an #insurancer!” drive organized by the German Insurance Association, or the digital MaklerSchmiede (Broker Maker) initiative launched by our customer HDI all have the same goal: They are meant to promote new trainees and make the broker or agent career more attractive. Because the industry does need new talent.
Your challenge Finding the right talent
It is not easy to find qualified new talent. One challenge is to develop a pool of prospects and identify the best candidates in it. Another challenge is to engage them and get them excited about the agency profession. How do you do it successfully?
How you can benefit Targeted recruiting
With BSI’s Sales Recruiting Management, you will find and recruit the right sales employees. BSI lets you identify suitable candidates from your customer base for a part-time position, send automated invitations to them, for instance, for informational sessions about the agency profession and manage follow ups. With BSI, you can also attract new talent through other channels such as social media. Use this approach to professionalize the expansion of your organization.
Our solution Smart organizational expansion with BSI
BSI offers a tool for a purposeful organizational expansion. It just takes a few clicks for you to invite the selected individuals to your new talent event. Create relevant personalized landing pages on the fly. Manage registrations and your candidates’ interests in BSI as well. Receive automated recommendations for the next steps in the recruiting process.
Why Sales Recruiting Management (SRM)?
49 years
- That is the average age in the agency sector. With BSI, you will wow Gen Xers and Gen Zers for a career in sales.
- A majority of customers would like a personal contact person to discuss their policies with (according to the Techmonitor Assekuranz study 2020). Besides having the right digital solutions, it is critical to have good insurance salespeople.
- Candidates use their recruiting experience to draw conclusions about a company’s image and use that information to decide on future applications and recommendations (Collingwood).
Clever follow up to win talents over
After the recruiting event, you send individualized follow-up e-mails to the interested parties: Are they still interested? You enter the feedback you receive and provide information on the next steps. Did a candidate express an interest but exited the recruiting process? The BSI solution will remind her of your company regularly and automatically. Using the integrated recommendation functionality, candidates can also recommend other prospects.
Talent’s onboard – What’s next?
Assigning the right leads
Now you can get started: Your new agents have received training and now get their first leads to handle. BSI makes automated assignments of suitable contacts to your new agents. You might start with activating unattended customers, unlocking cross- and upselling opportunities.
Optimizing the recruiting process
BSI will show you which candidates have the greatest likelihood of success based on previous recruiting processes. You can measure which actions have been successful and which employees achieve the best recruiting results. BSI will assist you with impact control and will identify areas of potential improvement.
More than business growth
Not only does BSI assist you with recruiting new talent, but it also helps you to:
- Transform previously manual processes into lean, automated, and personalized customer journeys, saving you valuable time. How does customer journey management work?
- Professionalize your lead management – through the automated transfer of contacts to your employees
- Actively take advantage of cross-selling and upselling opportunities – thanks to the transfer of next best actions and next best products. More about sales automation
- Refine your sales controlling – what does your recruitment funnel look like? Where in the business expansion process does the candidate belong?
- Learn from AI to benefit your recruiting process – what is the hiring probability? How well does the person fit in? Which sales manager has the best success with which candidate group? Benefit from AI
Related Capabilities
BSI knows your business
Whether sales, marketing or service: you can put our two million code lines and promising solutions together with equal ease – through uncompromising technology, a highly flexible data model and a captivating user experience.
Set up trigger-based, highly personalized customer journeys within 15 minutes with BSI. They help you provide an unforgettable experience and maximize your business success.
BSI offers a central, virtual advisor workstation with access to all relevant customer information. This improves the chances of a successful business conclusion.
BSI’s guided processes enable more efficient handling of customer issues. This saves you time and money in the long term, and makes your customers happy.
BSI provides you with powerful analytics, clearly arranged reporting dashboards and the possibility of data-based challenges to your decisions. BSI is your direct access to business intelligence.