Trigger-based Marketing in Banking Banking as an experience at every touchpoint
With BSI, you can easily design, automate, analyze and enhance customer journeys. You can identify and integrate all touchpoints. It is easy to create content and deliver it, in an automated fashion, to your customers at the right time, allowing your employees to respond promptly to interactions. The result is a personalized dialogue.
DECISION AID The next best action
With our solutions, your employees can take the best possible action for every customer at any time, whether they want to keep a customer from leaving your company (churn prevention) or present a favorable offer to someone.
SALES BOOSTER Cross-selling/upselling
Since the data from all touchpoints are merged and aggregated, our software can make automated recommendations for cross-selling or upselling offers to your customer-facing employees.
LIFE COMPANION Customer relationship management
Nothing is more critical today than solid customer relationships. At the bank, in particular, you accompany your customers through critical moments in their lives. Presenting relevant content at the right time, for example, for important events like weddings, allows you to strengthen your customer relationships and create loyal customers.
CUSTOMER WHISPERER Omnichannel management
Customer relevance and customer focus across all touchpoints are at the core of omnichannel management, from physical bank counters and ATMs to your website, apps or even chatbots. With BSI, you give your customers a consistent experience and engage with them in a personalized manner.
An example: Push notifications about select topics
With BSI, banks can develop a preference center for their customers, and customers can subscribe to receive push notifications regarding specific topics, indexes or products. Even stock prices can be linked in through our interfaces, and the customer receives a text message in real time any time previously defined minimum or maximum thresholds are not met or are exceeded. Engage your customers with offers that delight them and differentiate you from your competitors.
Offer customers relevant options at all times
With BSI, banks can provide helpful and unexpected special services to their customers at any time. For example, suppose a customer has entered his/her PIN incorrectly twice at the ATM. In that case, the cardholder receives a message offering the following options: a) to withdraw a certain amount using a one-time PIN, b) to change the PIN through the provided link to online banking, and c) to report a fraud attempt or card loss. If customers purchase foreign currency, banks can notify them instantly to turn off geo-blocking before their upcoming trip. With its comprehensive integration of touchpoints, BSI provides virtually limitless opportunities for you to be at your customers’ side for every interaction.
BSI for Banking
BSI is tailored perfectly to the banking industry’s regulatory requirements and will help you digitize your customer relationships.
Your next best action: BSI
Your next best step: Link your goals to BSI.
Related Capabilities
BSI knows your business
Whether sales, marketing or service: you can put our two million code lines and promising solutions together with equal ease – through uncompromising technology, a highly flexible data model and a captivating user experience.
Set up trigger-based, highly personalized customer journeys within 15 minutes with BSI. They help you provide an unforgettable experience and maximize your business success.
BSI offers a central, virtual advisor workstation with access to all relevant customer information. This improves the chances of a successful business conclusion.
BSI’s guided processes enable more efficient handling of customer issues. This saves you time and money in the long term, and makes your customers happy.
BSI provides you with powerful analytics, clearly arranged reporting dashboards and the possibility of data-based challenges to your decisions. BSI is your direct access to business intelligence.