About signals and triggers

Business Systems Integration AG

Raiffeisen Digital, a bank with a long history and customers in Austria and Central and Eastern Europe, faced a seemingly unsolvable task. The bank’s structure, which had grown over the years, no longer fit its customers’ behaviors since they go back and forth between its brick-and-mortar bank branches and digital offers. That is why a working banking app is no longer sufficient today. At the 2021 BSI Customer Summit, Dietmar Pucher, Managing Director of Raiffeisen Digital, explained how this universal bank met the challenge at hand.

Key facts

  • Personalization as a response to hybrid customers;
  • Signal containers implemented with BSI;
  • The goal: a comprehensive omnichannel CRM.

A new strategy

In recent years, stand-alone systems, which are expensive to operate, were set up internally for all sections of Raiffeisen Digital. Yet this practice stands in the way of digitization and automation. For example, the CRM the bank had previously been using was not omnichannel-capable. Therefore, the universal bank decided to realign itself strategically as a “digital regional bank” based on three channels: its local bank branches, the customer service center and online banking.

However, customers do not think in terms of channels. To increase efficiency and revenue, Raiffeisen Digital needed a personalized approach and trigger-based sales across all channels, which, in turn, require data that is available across all channels. To do just that, the bank, in collaboration with BSI, set up a so-called signal container, with BSI CRM serving as the basis.

Focusing on the customer

The signal container bundles the existing data and passes it on to the connected channels, including the banking app, mailbox, phone and customer service center. In the process, it accesses both master data and account movement data as well as customer behavior analytics. Furthermore, the signal container also takes on the universal bank’s "collision management"* and ensures that marketing messages reach customers at the right time.

“Every channel a customer uses is a window to a holistic customer experience.”
Dietmar Pucher, Managing Director, Raiffeisen Digital GmbH

Dietmar Pucher erläutert die strategische Neuausrichtung als «Digitale Regionalbank».

Dietmar Pucher explains Raiffeisen Digital’s strategic realignment as a “digital regional bank”

The signal container facilitates automated workflows and trigger-based marketing with personalized communication, thus lowering the cancellation rate.

In the future, the plan is for the omnichannel sales model also to include suppliers and sales support using a comprehensive CRM. Besides digital marketing, this approach will also facilitate sales planning and reporting as well as additional data analyses. Furthermore, Raiffeisen Digital is planning automated campaigns, connecting new contact channels and using BSI AI and BSI CDP – all of this with BSI as a partner.

Be everywhere your customers are. With BSI CRM.

* "Collision management" is defined as a company’s efforts to successfully manage the number of marketing campaigns/materials/messages to ensure that the customer does not perceive them as too frequent.

Next Best Action: BSI

The next best action: Network your goals with BSI.

Zeno Hug, Creator of Customer Delight

+41 58 255 99 59


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