Ask the right questions at the right time
Would you also like to know how your customers rate your performance? But when exactly should you ask, and what should you do with the responses? And what does your customer stand to gain from taking the time for you? The BSI Customer Suite helps you understand your customers' concerns better and leverage their satisfaction to achieve long-term customer loyalty.
Three factors that make the difference
Next Best Action Surveys are part of the customer journey
With the BSI Customer Suite, you don't just use standardized, automated functions to survey your customers' satisfaction and their readiness to recommend you. Instead, they form part of a holistic, long-term customer journey. The BSI Customer Suite “knows” when the time is right, and either initiates a survey as the next best action or prevents one from being carried out as a form of churn prevention. All survey data is consolidated and made available in real time, and helps refine the next survey and continue the customer journey on an even more personalized basis.
CSAT AND NPS Turning feedback into customer loyalty
There's no point recording customer satisfaction (CSAT) and net promoter scores (NPS) for their own sake. Bring your data to life! Use thresholds to trigger customer loyalty measures and launch corresponding campaigns. Take churn prevention measures with respect to detractors and turn your promoters into real fans with emotional loyalty campaigns. The BSI Customer Suite selects options and makes decisions automatically, and uses real-time analysis to show you whether your measures are effective. This completes the cycle. Each customer's specific journey changes based on their satisfaction, increasing their loyalty in the long term.
SMART OPTIMISATION Elaborative insights
Develop your insights in BSI and view the history of your NPS at any time. How is the Contact Center faring? What do you need to change? Are the measures you took in response to the feedback received from customers having an effect? All data is made available in real time to all BSI Customer Suite products. Apply your conclusions to other groups of customers using AI-controlled models in order to effectively prevent churn, gain new customers through recommendations and boost your revenue.
Out of the box Your survey will go live in 12 hours
With the BSI Customer Suite, you can create complete survey pages with just a few clicks, on the spot, and entirely without programming. Plus, you can conveniently consult “out-of-the-box” best practices from our community.

The BSI Customer Suite
Digitize the customer relationship and create unique experiences – automated, in real time, and across all touchpoints.
Your benefits

Next Best Action: BSI.
The next best action: Network your goals with BSI.