Set a personal highlight for each customer

How to turn any event into an emotional experience: Select the appropriate target group, personalize invitation management and ensure customer-oriented support locally. Sounds complicated? It is not. The BSI Customer Suite delivers automated, comprehensive event management “out of the box” and ensures WOW moments even after the event.

    Productivity increases in customer service with Artificial Intelligence
    Productivity increases in customer service with Artificial Intelligence
    Comprehensive customer experience

    Comprehensive customer experience

    Target group selection

    Regardless of whether it's target group selection by event managers or an event as the next best action, detected by the integrated AI – you'll find the right participants for your event quickly and accurately with the BSI Customer Suite.

    One event, endless possibilities

    Scanning a badge enables endless potential for customer interaction. Turn an event into a personalized highlight.

    Feedback as a point of contact

    Actively use the insights gained with the BSI Customer Suite to improve customer loyalty – and directly plan new communication measures

    Event management Take your customer on a journey

    Quickly assemble the right participants for your event: through automated target group selection, the event as the next best action, detected by the integrated AI, or through the hand-picked selection of the customer rep. This way, you invite exactly the customers who will benefit from your event. With a personalized approach via the preferred channel, you then delight the participants from the start. Invitation management is fully automated via self-service landing pages. Weather forecasts, individual hotel recommendations or route planning are just as much a part of the service as the creation of virtual and physical tickets. The BSI Customer Suite can do all that.

    Personalized event Delight anew with every interaction

    Thanks to BSI, every customer experiences their own event. They are personally greeted at the entrance as the advisor is automatically notified of their arrival via a text message. One scan of the badge and the customer experiences a program of events tailored to their stored interests, including gamification options and survey pages. Trigger-based communication and journey histories round out the experience. You always have the relevant insights in front of you, are provided with real-time insight into the 360° customer view, and can see what the customer is participating in and what they rate and how.

    Next best action Turn feedback into journey milestones

    An event is just one of several measures during a long, personalized customer journey. That's why after the event is before the next action. Actively use the insights gained with the BSI Customer Suite to improve customer loyalty. This starts with personalized thank you e-mails or NPS surveys. The corresponding feedback enriches your customers' soft facts in compliance with data protection laws, enables optimization of the next event and feeds the integrated AI for planning upcoming communication measures.

    illustration blue carpet

    The BSI Customer Suite

    Digitize the customer relationship and create unique experiences – automated, in real time, and across all touchpoints.

    Your benefits

    Digitize your sales with our online consulting product. The BSI Engage module handles supporting and administrative tasks – from automated appointment scheduling and the “virtual sales room” to electronic signature for digital case closure;
    As a central information system, BSI CRM provides all relevant information and data for any application purpose and across departmental boundaries;
    Whether it is inbound mail automation, next best action, churn detection, or lead scoring – our AI product BSI AI supports you in analyzing your data and helps you with small and large decisions regarding customer-relationship management;
    Our Customer Data Platform BSI CDP collects data from various sources and provides meaningful customer profiles – in real time;
    Organize your connectivity within your ecosystem and create new connections. Our Enterprise Integration Platform BSI EIP offers numerous standardized interfaces which can be easily configured, optimized, and surveilled via a central interface – so that your data can have more impact.

    Next Best Action: BSI.

    The next best action: Network your goals with BSI.

    Zeno Hug, Creator of Customer Delight

    +41 58 255 99 59

    BSI Customer Suite

    Provide a truly compelling customer experience with seven products – all in one solution.
