From anonymous to loyal customer

When does customer loyalty begin? Ideally before the first contact! With the BSI Customer Suite, you lay the cornerstone for effective persuasion towards customer loyalty throughout the entire customer journey during onboarding.

    increased customer loyalty when using a CRM system (source:
    ↑27%customer loyalty
    increased customer loyalty when using a CRM system (source:

    Three factors for effective onboarding

    Zahnrad in Bewegung

    BSI allows you to tailor the onboarding process to the respective target audience as well as your own requirements – via configuration and without having to write a single line of code.

    Cross-divisional expertise

    Customer data can be viewed and used by all divisions, regardless of who established the first contact via which channel.

    Automated through AI

    Let the collected data work for you. BSI suggests, for instance, on which channel you will achieve the best conversion.

    Offering added value From interest to lead conversion

    It is essential to set the course right from the start in order to turn anonymous prospects into loyal and inspired customers. Whether a white paper, a loyalty program, or a voucher campaign with QR code – offering added value results in people getting in touch with you. Those reacting to such offers behave in a certain manner, thus supplying valuable data which, thanks to BSI, is immediately available across all divisions to be supplemented with additional information. This can be done, for example, via a preference center and can positively influence lead conversion.

    Hyper-personalization Increase customer lifetime value

    Thanks to the BSI Customer Suite you can use all data directly to personalize the customer journey. You can start immediately to score user behavior and to optimize communication accordingly. By means to surveys, follow-up campaigns, and other offers, BSI learns more about customers’ behavior and suggests to you, for example, at which moments it is sensible to address them on which topic, and which channel promises the best conversion. The result is a higher customer lifetime value.

    Closed Loop The path to more loyalty

    Personalization convinces and retains customers because it conveys the feeling of being understood. With BSI, you learn more about your customers step by step and can make communication increasingly effective. For example, you can offer products or services with regards to the weather, on a birthday, or after moving house, and thus inspire your customers. With BSI, you can also transfer the corresponding insights to other customer groups in order to address them in an even more targeted manner.


    The BSI Customer Suite

    Digitize the customer relationship and create unique experiences – automated, in real time, and across all touchpoints.

    Your benefits

    Digitize your sales with our online consulting product. The BSI Engage module handles supporting and administrative tasks – from automated appointment scheduling and the “virtual sales room” to electronic signature for digital case closure;
    As a central information system, BSI CRM provides all relevant information and data for any application purpose and across departmental boundaries;
    Whether it is inbound mail automation, next best action, churn detection, or lead scoring – our AI product BSI AI supports you in analyzing your data and helps you with small and large decisions regarding customer-relationship management;
    Our Customer Data Platform BSI CDP collects data from various sources and provides meaningful customer profiles – in real time;
    Organize your connectivity within your ecosystem and create new connections. Our Enterprise Integration Platform BSI EIP offers numerous standardized interfaces which can be easily configured, optimized, and surveilled via a central interface – so that your data can have more impact.

    Next Best Action: BSI.

    The next best action: Network your goals with BSI.

    Zeno Hug, Creator of Customer Delight

    +41 58 255 99 59

    BSI Customer Suite

    Provide a truly compelling customer experience with seven products – all in one solution.
