How portfolio-driven CRM enables a more targeted customer address

A modern CRM solution enables the orchestration of targeted and individualized campaigns – by linking portfolio data, however, new approaches also open up. Customer reps as well as sales and campaign managers no longer only access the data stored in the CRM to create campaigns or targeted advertising suggestions, but can also use individual restrictions from the portfolio management system for the selection. An ideal approach for proactive customer communication – thanks to the integration of the portfolio management system from aixigo into the BSI Customer Suite.

    Boston Consulting Group, «Deep AI by BCG»
    ↑40%portfolio lifetime value
    Boston Consulting Group, «Deep AI by BCG»
    Portfolio management

    Three factors for portfolio-driven CRM

    Cross-divisional expertise

    Manually identifying customers whose portfolios have the same restrictions is very time consuming. The BSI Customer Suite finds the right customers for you – fully automated and always with up-to-date data.


    The BSI Customer Suite combines data from various sources and from this derives appropriate communication measures. New data sources can be integrated into the processes.


    With BSI, you can continuously monitor the success of campaigns. If necessary, they can be adjusted and optimized in real time.

    Customer management The customer portfolio as initiator

    Customer reps are currently facing a challenge: Even a simple search for certain portfolio patterns in customer databases already makes it possible, at least to a limited extent, to find communalities among customers and use these for a proactive customer address. However, the search parameter options here are limited – furthermore, it is difficult to keep relevant KPIs up-to-date at all times.

    CRM management Customer data – up-to-date at all times

    A portfolio-based CRM offers the best of both worlds: With the BSI Customer Suite, customer data is up-to-date for all applications – and is updated in real time. Combined with the portfolio management from aixigo, it offers an ideal solution for banks to select target groups according to complex portfolio patterns. For instance, a portfolio-driven CRM combines portfolio characteristics with success characteristics (performance and risk) to orchestrate campaigns with perfectly fitting offers. In order to give the customer rep a better overview, the portfolio management solution from BSI and aixigo offers the creation of permanent lists and alerts that are updated daily. Such lists offer selected customer bases at a glance, for example those with the largest inflows or best performance – and thus add real value for every customer rep.

    Hyper personalization Address customer groups individually

    BSI uses individual data for customized letters, which not only increases the chance of a successful communication campaign, but also significantly strengthens customer loyalty. After the initial customer contact as part of a communication campaign, the BSI Customer Suite can be used to map the entire sales advisory process – including video consulting, documentation, and qualified electronic signature – in order to create the perfect customer experience.


    The BSI Customer Suite

    Digitize the customer relationship and create unique experiences – automated, in real time, and across all touchpoints.

    Your benefits

    Digitize your sales with our online selling product. The BSI Engage module handles supporting and administrative tasks – from automated appointment scheduling and the “virtual sales room” to electronic signature for digital case closure;
    As a central information system, BSI CRM provides all relevant information and data for any application purpose and across departmental boundaries;
    Whether it is inbound mail automation, next best action, churn detection, or lead scoring – our AI product BSI AI supports you in analyzing your data and helps you with small and large decisions regarding customer-relationship management;
    Our Customer Data Platform BSI CDP collects data from various sources and provides meaningful customer profiles – in real time;
    Organize your connectivity within your ecosystem and create new connections. Our Enterprise Integration Platform BSI EIP offers numerous standardized interfaces which can be easily configured, optimized, and surveilled via a central interface – so that your data can have more impact.

    Next best action: BSI.

    The next best step: Network your targets with BSI.

    René Konrad, Creator of Customer Delight

    +41 58 255 96 72

    BSI Customer Suite

    Provide a truly compelling customer experience with seven products – all in one solution.
