Health check as a chance for active customer contact

Active investment advice and the monitoring of customer portfolios is one of the core tasks of every customer rep. However, due to the strict legal restrictions it is not easy to provide flawless and well-documented customer advice. Detached from regulatory actions, a comprehensive health check can offer an ideal starting point for conversations and thus strengthen the customer relationship.

    in monitoring with more accurate result (McKinsey on Investing, 2019)
    in monitoring with more accurate result (McKinsey on Investing, 2019)
    Portfolio Health Check

    Three factors for strong customer loyalty

    One for everything

    The BSI Customer Suite is not only a comprehensive advisory solution, but also a platform for customer management and hyper-personalized marketing.


    With BSI, customer reps automatically fulfill the duty of documentation after providing advice without time-consuming post-processing.


    The holistic approach means that data is available in real time across all systems. This way, not only can enquiries be answered more quickly using AI, but other teams can also be informed about new customer activities and use this information for further communication.

    Customer management Answering questions, recognizing opportunities

    When it comes to portfolio management, a bank’s customer address often suffers from the fact that statutory regulations require extensive documentation. On the other hand, however, it is important for the customer to be informed about topics such as portfolio risk analysis or sufficient diversification. An individual health check is therefore an ideal starting point for answering these questions – and to actively use the data already available from the CRM of the BSI Customer Suite in combination with the advisory and portfolio management services from aixigo.

    Communication options Actively using health checks for upselling

    An active customer address ensures ideal personal advice service, which is also adequately documented for regulatory purposes thanks to the comprehensive functions of BSI CRM. With the 360° view of customers, the customer rep can see right away whether there is a need for action in portfolio management. The advisory process itself does not trigger any demands for regulatory documentation – and offers countless opportunities to strike up a conversation with the customer. Customer reps also benefit from the option to start an online video consultation with just a click of the mouse via the advisory module.

    Holistic approach The customer enquiry as a starting point

    Customer contacts are just the beginning – with the BSI Customer Suite, companies have the opportunity to use the exchange as the starting point for a comprehensive customer journey. Insights gained from the contact can be used as templates for new communication and thus also improve customer loyalty and satisfaction in the long term.


    The BSI Customer Suite

    Digitize the customer relationship and create unique experiences – automated, in real time, and across all touchpoints.

    Your benefits

    Digitize your sales with our online selling product. The BSI Engage module handles supporting and administrative tasks – from automated appointment scheduling and the “virtual sales room” to electronic signature for digital case closure;
    As a central information system, BSI CRM provides all relevant information and data for any application purpose and across departmental boundaries;
    Whether it is inbound mail automation, next best action, churn detection, or lead scoring – our AI product BSI AI supports you in analyzing your data and helps you with small and large decisions regarding customer-relationship management;
    Our Customer Data Platform BSI CDP collects data from various sources and provides meaningful customer profiles – in real time;
    Organize your connectivity within your ecosystem and create new connections. Our Enterprise Integration Platform BSI EIP offers numerous standardized interfaces which can be easily configured, optimized, and surveilled via a central interface – so that your data can have more impact.

    Next best action: BSI.

    The next best action: Network your goals with BSI.

    René Konrad, Creator of Customer Delight

    +41 58 255 96 72

    BSI Customer Suite

    Provide a truly compelling customer experience with seven products – all in one solution.
